about kristie london

kristie london's Mission and Vision


To help you find peace.


To connect with and bring compassion and understanding to all who seek my help, both alive and in spirit.

Medium & Reiki Master

Kristie London

Kristie is an experienced Medium and Reiki Master blessed with the ability to communicate with Spirit and tap into the natural energy around her to help heal others. She uses her gifts to perform readings, conduct paranormal investigations, provide Reiki healing sessions and offer guidance from Spirit. 

Kristie Explains Her Core Beliefs



"I will always deliver your messages in an accurate and genuine way."


"I will always go the extra mile to bring comfort and closure to my clients."


"My gifts are a blessing from God and they allow me to fulfill my souls journey and help others."


"I understand how emotional and vulnerable this process can make us feel. I walk with my clients every step of the way."


"I will always protect the privacy and integrity of my clients and Spirit. If you can't trust me, I can't help you."

"I am but the messenger."


Kristie London

Kristie London's Timeline to becoming a medium and reiki master

journey with spirit

From a young age, Kristie has identified with spirit and known her soul’s true purpose in life was to help others. The timeline of Kristie’s journey with her gifts is set along an unalome, a symbol representing each of our unique paths to enlightenment. It signifies that each of us will make mistakes and that the path is not always straightforward; each begins at the center of a spiral representing fear and uncertainty, until the path unfolds and the mind finds clarity. Follow along the timeline below to learn more about Kristie’s personal journey to become a Medium and Reiki Master.

Kristie is currently the co-host of the new live internet show/Podcast, Where’s My
Sage?!! … A Taste of the Universe, broadcast over Facebook, WLFE-db Radio, iTunes, YouTube, Spreaker, Instagram and Periscope. She works in the Buffalo and Niagara area delivering messages and mentoring others. She works closely with Spirit to offer guidance, support, healing, closure and hope on many levels with the goal to bring others peace.

Contact Kristie London

Please Note: To ensure the safety of all clients, all readings will be held over the phone or by video call during COVID-19.




716 - 472 - 3151